For larfs, here is what the wikipedia-en IRC was doing on Dec 11th in 2011.
Session Start: Sun Dec 11 13:39:53 2011
03[14:11] * mabdul (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:11] * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
15[14:12] * TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: Houd het fort allen!)
15[14:13] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
15[14:13] * Lisa_Fox (~w5fox`` Quit (Quit: Leaving)
15[14:14] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
03[14:14] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[14:16] * Magog_the_Ogre ( has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:16] * Magog_the_Ogre ( Quit (Changing host)
03[14:16] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[14:19] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[14:21] * M132T003C ( has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:21] * M132T003C ( Quit (Changing host)
03[14:21] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[14:22] * Alpha_Quadrant is now known as Alpha|Away
03[14:22] * Ceradon (~Ceradon@ has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:22] * Ceradon (~Ceradon@ Quit (Changing host)
03[14:22] * Ceradon (~Ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[14:24] * Alpha|Away is now known as Alpha_Quadrant
15[14:24] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
03[14:24] * slon02 (6c102366@wikipedia/slon02) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[14:26] * ryanag is now known as ryanag|away
03[14:27] * Alpha_Quadrant is now known as AQ
03[14:28] * AQ (~opera@wikipedia/Alpha-Quadrant) has left #wikipedia-en
15[14:31] * Qwfp ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 3.6.10/20100914125854])
03[14:31] * Fae ( has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:31] * Fae ( Quit (Changing host)
03[14:31] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[14:34] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[14:35] * GorillaWarfare (~quassel@ has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:35] * GorillaWarfare (~quassel@ Quit (Changing host)
03[14:35] * GorillaWarfare (~quassel@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:37] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) Quit (Quit: BewareofDoug)
03[14:37] * zscout370 (~Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:41] * Twomby (4650e720@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
03[14:45] * Narodnik (~Severin@wikipedia/Skomorokh) has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:45] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
03[14:46] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:50] * GorillaWarfare (~quassel@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
03[14:50] * MrFish2 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:51] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
15[14:51] * Ceradon (~Ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) Quit (Quit: I must depart this channel of great words. We shall surely meet again.)
15[14:52] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
15[14:52] * thehope ( Quit (Quit: Leaving...)
03[14:53] * notola ( has joined #wikipedia-en
03[14:53] * worm_that_turned (~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned) has joined #wikipedia-en
15[14:55] * johnduhart (~quassel@ Quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
03[14:57] * johnduhart (~quassel@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:58] <Demiurge1000> yes, hello
03[15:02] * ZT ( has joined #wikipedia-en
15[15:03] * ZT ( Quit (Changing host)
03[15:03] * ZT (~pjeterper@unaffiliated/zt) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[15:04] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[15:06] * Miss_Manzana (~Manzana@wikimedia/Miss-Manzana) has joined #wikipedia-en
03[15:07] * Miss_Manzana (~Manzana@wikimedia/Miss-Manzana) has left #wikipedia-en
08[15:09] <Rabbi_Meish> anybody seen derp?
Session Close: Sun Dec 11 15:09:58 2011
What is special about this IRC log, I don't see anything particularly interesting. I do see some big names (several of which are now banned), but nothing other than that.
ReplyDeleteI have an endless ream of these from 2009 to about 2012 thanks to Eric Barbour who got them from somebody who used to have them up on a site....until the WMF threatened to sue and that guy took them down. I will make them into a book, just to show what offensively inane things were said on both Wikpedia IRC channels. The only thing special about any of them is how much there is of this material.