Sunday, July 10, 2022

Late Night Fourth of July-Fifth of July, 2010 Session of #wikipedia IRC logs

This uploading of mostly-pointless IRC logs will never end.

Session Start: Sun Jul 04 23:17:57 2010

Session Ident: #wikipedia
[23:17] * Now talking in #wikipedia
[23:17] * Topic is 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Status: Wikipedia and other Wikimedia sites are currently DOWN, but should be recovering now - results not guaranteed | No public logging | Specific Wikipedias: #wikipedia-<lang> | Channel guidelines: | For channel operator assistance, join #wikimedia-ops or, if urgent, type !ops'
[23:17] * Set by ChanServ on Sun Jul 04 22:33:31
[23:17] <***> Buffer Playback...
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [04:51:48] why are you no longer an admin?
[23:17] * Bidgee [04:51:51] became an Admin on Commons when I had 23,000 edits
[23:17] <Chaos_> [04:52:06] makes me laugh when ppl say they have 5000 edits and give themselves a nice shiny medal for it when 1500 are in user talk pages
[23:17] <Knew> [04:52:33] I used to be an admin.
[23:17] <Knew> [04:53:10] I won't give out my Wiki username though for privacy
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [04:53:31] ./msg Helpmebot !editcount <username>
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [04:53:35] tog et your edit count
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [04:53:38] to get
[23:17] <Geoffreyjhang_> [04:53:45] so do any engineers solve the soon as possible
[23:17] <Knew> [04:53:52] I was pretty good on Wikipedia, but I kept trying to get and to point at
[23:17] * Bidgee [04:54:14] has no desire to be a Wiki admin though, well not yet.
[23:17] <PiRSquared17> [04:54:23] it only count enwiki edits...
[23:17] <bumm13> [04:54:25] OlEnglish - fun fact: if you type /say , you don't have to do the "./command" deal you just did :)
[23:17] <Knew> [04:54:33] They need to pay admins.
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [04:54:38] thanks bumm13
[23:17] <bumm13> [04:54:43] no problemo
[23:17] <ronabop> [04:54:44] I've been around too long to have any desire to be an admin. :)
[23:17] <g0pher> [04:54:47] they back:
[23:17] <Knew> [04:54:49] Transition Wikipedia to premium content.
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [04:54:49] /say what
[23:17] <bumm13> [04:54:55] hiya ronabop
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [04:54:55] ahh it works :)
[23:17] <richardcavell> [04:55:21] OlEnglish: I resigned it voluntarily when a bureaucrat vetoed my !vote in an RfA
[23:17] <PiRSquared17> [04:55:33] msg test test
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [04:55:34] oic
[23:17] * Bidgee [04:55:40] slaps g0pher
[23:17] <PiRSquared17> [04:55:40] /msg test test
[23:17] <bumm13> [04:55:50] PiRSquared17: hmm?
[23:17] <Bidgee> [04:55:51] Still down for me
[23:17] <Geoffreyjhang_> [04:56:05] login page still has problem :(
[23:17] <rCX> [04:56:06] Can't log in :(
[23:17] <Knew> [04:56:11] Wikipedia sucks.
[23:17] <Knew> [04:56:17] It's run like the government.
[23:17] <g0pher> [04:56:22] try again -  came up fine
[23:17] <Knew> [04:56:33] Wikipedia is design by committee to the extreme.
[23:17] <PiRSquared17> [04:56:35] bumm13: testing /say
[23:17] <bumm13> [04:57:01] ah, the smell of sulfur from consumer fireworks...
[23:17] <Bidgee> [04:57:07] I'm getting 'Wikipedia has a problem, blah blah blah.....'
[23:17] <Richardguk> [04:57:14] 02:49:49 (UTC): "logmsgbot: tstarling synchronized php-1.5/wmf-config/db.php"
[23:17] <dragfyre> [04:57:15] still not working
[23:17] <bumm13> [04:57:17] yep, same
[23:17] <Anandawardhana> [04:57:17] its up again i see en wiki
[23:17] <richardcavell> [04:57:26] ./msg Helpmebot !editcount richardcavell
[23:17] <dragfyre> [04:57:28] commons is up tho
[23:17] <Knew> [04:57:32] Seriously we need to get rid of the voting/committee crap on Wikipedia.
[23:17] <dragfyre> [04:57:38] uh wait, no
[23:17] <richardcavell> [04:57:40] .msg Helpmebot !editcount richardcavell
[23:17] <Pokeyourheadoff_> [04:57:57] ...
[23:17] <richardcavell> [04:58:00] 12464
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [04:58:04] without the period richardcavell
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [04:58:18] /msg Helpmebot !editcount richardcavell
[23:17] <bumm13> [04:58:24] C:\>_
[23:17] <Knew> [04:58:26] Put ads on Wikipedia and pay people to write.
[23:17] <ronabop> [04:58:58] Put ads and pay for people to *not* write. :)
[23:17] <sh> [04:59:16] I'd get behind that. I love getting paid for not doing anything :P
[23:17] <Knew> [04:59:17] Well, the content is done
[23:17] <Knew> [04:59:28] We need to expand Wikipedia in the other mediums.
[23:17] <Knew> [04:59:41] Professional voice overs for each article.
[23:17] <Bidgee> [05:00:01] Professionals to clean-up some articles
[23:17] <Bidgee> [05:00:03] ;)
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [05:00:16] we already have that
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [05:00:28] it's called the public policy project or whatever
[23:17] <Knew> [05:00:30] And make God redirect to Madonna_(sexy_entertainer)
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [05:00:32] that ragesoss is starting
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [05:00:49] i'd link you to the page if i could
[23:17] <Chaos_> [05:00:56] professional whats ? Take 3 archaologist or scientists and put em in a room and they will probably not agree on most technical subjects
[23:17] <ronabop> [05:01:06] Spice Girls: article Narrated by James Earl Jones
[23:17] <Bidgee> [05:01:09] lol
[23:17] <Knew> [05:01:12] Without capitalism, representative democracy would fail on its own.
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [05:01:13] <ragesoss> In the longer term, the three things we hope to put in place with the public policy initiative are 1) the Campus Ambassadors program to have Wikipedians teach about Wikipedia and help recruit professors and assist with assignments on university campuses; 2) an Online Ambassadors program for volunteers to systematically help new users in more depth than usual (especially students in the courses of the professors from
[23:17] <OlEnglish> [05:01:13] <ragesoss> above); and 3) a good set of example assignments, teaching materials, and other media for helping new users and helping instructors run Wikipedia assignments.
[23:17] <Geoffreyjhang_> [05:01:27] zzz..... so I should edit wiki by IP username hahahaha......sign
[23:17] <Geoffreyjhang_> [05:02:32] Yeah! Login successed!!!
[23:17] <Chaos_> [05:03:12] k guys its 04:00here - sun is coming up and I best be ooff to bed - nite all
[23:17] <Bidgee> [05:03:16] Its alive!!!!
[23:17] <Bidgee> [05:03:30] Morning, I mean night! LOL
[23:17] <bumm13> [05:03:50] good riddance ;p
[23:17] <Bidgee> [05:04:14] Your mean! :P
[23:17] <bumm13> [05:04:35] heehee
[23:17] <dragfyre> [05:07:00] working!
[23:17] <bumm13> [05:07:05] yup!
[23:17] <ronabop> [05:07:19] yup!
[23:17] <PiRSquared17> [05:07:29] simple is read-only :(
[23:17] <Black_Phantom> [05:07:35] its WORKING
[23:17] <bumm13> [05:07:39] ||=||=|| (my ASCII art of the co-location center)
[23:17] <Black_Phantom> [05:07:41] it feels so good
[23:17] * Black_Phantom [05:07:46] hits refresh refresh
[23:17] <Black_Phantom> [05:07:48] its working !!
[23:17] <bumm13> [05:07:52] !!
[23:17] <Alice> [05:11:06] oh hey, wp:en is back again
[23:17] <bumm13> [05:11:09] yup!
[23:17] <bumm13> [05:11:21] light some fireworks off in celebration!
[23:17] <Geoffreyjhang> [05:12:16] Can't edit...... :(
[23:17] <Ashfire908> [05:12:31] They made it all read only
[23:17] <PiRSquared17> [05:12:42] :(
[23:17] <bumm13> [05:12:45] arg
[23:17] <ronabop> [05:12:58] Still bringing the slaves back....
[23:17] <Bidgee> [05:13:09] Slow though
[23:17] <Bidgee> [05:13:56] isn't loading
[23:17] <Ashfire908> [05:14:01] I've been sitting and watching people on -tech talk like non-stop... My internet dies, and when I get back everything's better.
[23:17] <***> Playback Complete.
[23:18] * me1 (~ausom@bzflag/player/Me1) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:18] * Geoffreyjhang (3de64ab5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[23:19] * johnuniq (~johnuniq@wikipedia/johnuniq) Quit (Quit: terminated!)
[23:19] <SAGE-> hello
[23:19] <OlEnglish> hi
[23:19] <SAGE-> kewl
[23:19] <OlEnglish> radical
[23:19] * bumm13 ( has left #wikipedia
[23:19] <SAGE-> an olenglisher
[23:19] <SAGE-> radical?
[23:20] <OlEnglish> <shrug>
[23:20] <SAGE-> hey what do you think..
[23:20] <OlEnglish> about?
[23:20] <SAGE-> is the ape planet run by somekind of overlords?
[23:21] <OlEnglish> which one?
[23:21] <richardcavell> Can anyone tell me: Is there a way to get an article reviewed other than nominating it as a good article?
[23:21] <OlEnglish> peer review
[23:21] <SAGE-> those who came from heaven
[23:21] <OlEnglish> see WP:Peer review
[23:21] <OlEnglish> i have no idea SAGE
[23:22] <SAGE-> ok
[23:23] * sh ( has left #wikipedia ("...")
[23:24] <OlEnglish> richardcavell: did that help?
[23:25] <richardcavell> OlEnglish: Yeah it did.  I'm nominating it now.
[23:25] <OlEnglish> great
[23:25] * Shinjiman ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[23:25] * Anandawardhana (~AW@ Quit (Quit: Anandawardhana)
[23:26] * Ashfire908 (~ahampe@wikipedia/Andrew-Hampe) Quit (Quit: If you have to ask, my computer can't run it.)
[23:27] <richardcavell>
[23:27] <OlEnglish> looks good
[23:28] * nick761 (443316ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia
[23:28] <nick761> hey, so wikipedia was down earlier? how did that happen?
[23:29] <richardcavell> Can someone change the topic of this channel to reflect the fact that Wikipedia is up now?
[23:29] <OlEnglish> nick761: there was a power failure
[23:29] * gwern (~gwern@wikipedia/Gwern) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:29] <nick761> ah, I see
[23:29] <nick761> just not used to seeing wikipedia down ;)
[23:29] * goffrie (~goffrie@2001:470:1c:207::2) has left #wikipedia
[23:29] <jimmmm> it was cool to see recent changes at rest
[23:29] <jimmmm> hehe
[23:31] * Shinjiman (~hkman117_@ has joined #wikipedia
[23:31] * jimmmm (~jim@ has left #wikipedia (".")
[23:31] * jdm64 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[23:36] * b930913 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[23:39] * Zefiris (~zef@ Quit (Quit: leaving)
[23:39] * Sir48 (~Thyge@wikipedia/Sir48) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[23:41] * epsalon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[23:41] * nick761 (443316ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[23:43] * Shirik is now known as Shiibot2
[23:43] * Shiibot2 (~nospam@WoWUIDev/WoWIStaff/Norganna/StatisticalEngineer/Shirik) Quit (Changing host)
[23:43] * Shiibot2 (~nospam@WoWUIDev/Nospam) has joined #wikipedia
[23:43] * Shiibot2 is now known as Shirik
[23:43] * Shirik (~nospam@WoWUIDev/Nospam) Quit (Changing host)
[23:43] * Shirik (~nospam@WoWUIDev/WoWIStaff/Norganna/StatisticalEngineer/Shirik) has joined #wikipedia
[23:44] * whym (~user@ has joined #wikipedia
[23:45] * whym (~user@ has left #wikipedia
[23:45] * noisecontrol (~noisecont@unaffiliated/noisecontrol) has joined #wikipedia
[23:45] <Alice> and thus the channel dies
[23:46] * Cyrius ( has joined #wikipedia
[23:46] <richardcavell> Alice: We're all editing Wikipedia
[23:47] <Alice> a bunch of little mice tapping their buck teeth against keys
[23:47] <Alice> a legion of keyboarding mice
[23:47] <Alice> fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[23:47] * otto_s ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[23:48] <PiRSquared17> 6546547567464b56jhyijkuloikl
[23:48] * Scott (~chatzilla@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[23:48] * otto_s ( has joined #wikipedia
[23:50] <Bidgee> My "new talk page message" bar will not go away
[23:50] <Bidgee> :S
[23:51] * Imzadi1979 ( has joined #wikipedia
[23:51] * ronabop ( has left #wikipedia
[23:51] * Imzadi1979 ( has left #wikipedia
[23:51] <PiRSquared17> bugzilla!
[23:52] <Alice> Bidgee: there should be a hide button
[23:52] * STalKer-X ( Quit (Disconnected by services)
[23:52] * STalKer-Y ( has joined #wikipedia
[23:52] <OlEnglish> so quiet here now that enwiki's back up
[23:53] <OlEnglish> was raging just a few minutes ago :P
[23:53] <PiRSquared17> simplewiki is read-only :(
[23:53] <richardcavell> OlEnglish: Well we're busy writing an encyclopedia
[23:53] <Bidgee> simple really
[23:53] <Bidgee> ;)
[23:53] <OlEnglish> that's good!
[23:53] <OlEnglish> keep at it
[23:53] <Bidgee> hrrm my watchlist is blank
[23:54] * ArvoX ( Quit
[23:55] * Bidgee does off and does some ebaying instead (buying old photos [PD] for Commons]
[23:55] * epsalon ( has joined #wikipedia
[23:55] * Simon-_ ( has joined #wikipedia
[23:55] <richardcavell> You're spending money to put stuff on Commons?
[23:55] <richardcavell> That's keen
[23:56] <Simon-_> hello
[23:57] <Simon-_> how long does it take for a sockpuppet investigation to appear?
[23:57] <OlEnglish> to appear?
[23:57] * Jamesofur|dinner is now known as Jamesofur
[23:58] <OlEnglish> as soon as someone hits 'save' i presume?
[23:58] <Bidgee> Well some old photos are very hard to get, I get the orignal and Commons gets a copy.
[23:58] <Seahorse> someone needs to fix
[23:59] <Simon-_> yeah as in appear on the main sockpuppet investigations list
[23:59] <Bidgee> someone needs to fix
[23:59] <Bidgee> You will have to add it yourself if you used TW
[23:59] * He11razor ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[23:59] * epsalon ( Quit (Client Quit)
[23:59] <Simon-_> what is TW?
Session Close: Mon Jul 05 00:00:01 2010

                                          And now some bonus talk about Austrian wine....