The following is a collection of emails begging for money from Ammar Campa-Najjar, a young up-and-comer in the small-town smug, Good Ol' Boy-riddled world of San Diego East County politics. At first he was running against noted supercrook Duncan D. "Dumbass" Hunter for Hunter's slot (CA 50th Congressional District), but once Hunter was arrested, Darrell Issa (who had been in Congress from 2000-2015, and was one of the wealthiest ex-businessmen in Congress) decided to claim the 50th. It was a hard campaign and Campa-Najjar was run through the wringer over his family, and then his Left-wing ideas.
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Our country’s destiny has never been at the mercy of one person.
It’s always been about all of us -- placing our hands on the arc of history and bending it towards a brighter future for generations to come.
Right now, the odds seem against us. Our country’s headed in the wrong direction and our government is in disarray. People are losing hope.
I want to be able to look my children in the eyes someday when they ask about these years and say, “I was fighting for your futures when the odds were against us.”
That’s why I’m running for Congress in California’s 50th District against Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter. But I can’t do this without you >>
I was born in San Diego and raised by a single mother. I’m proud to be a Latino Arab American and I know that diversity has made our country stronger, not weaker.
I had the incredible opportunity to serve as a federal appointee and am fortunate that my California neighbors saw my potential and sent a skinny community organizer with a funny name to work in the White House.
They helped me achieve a dream of mine. But for millions of Americans, the pathway to achieve their dreams is becoming more difficult.
Opportunities are drying up, student loans are becoming more burdensome, and good paying jobs with benefits are becoming harder to find.
I’m running because I want the American Dream to be within reach for ALL Americans. Not just the wealthy and the well-connected.
It’s time to take back our government and reclaim the American Dream. If you believe in that, please, make a contribution and help power my grassroots campaign.
I’m honored to have your support,
Paid for by Ammar Campa-Najjar for Congress FEC # C00635888 |
Ammar Campa-Najjar for Congress
PO Box 610
13961 Campo Rd.
Jamul CA 91935 United States
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Then started The Campaign i.e., the demands for money and the begging subject lines, a few days later.
|  | Listen, I need an emergency $5 contribution to my campaign today.
Because my opponent just released a despicable and false attack implying I have ties to terrorists. If left unanswered, this could cost us the election. “Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ammar Campa-Najjar… These Three Radical Democrats Want You to Forget Their Anti-Semitism or Family Terrorist Ties” I’m running in the MOST competitive district in California held by a Republican.
This race will come down to just a handful of votes.
But voters are opening their mail right now and reading these lies.
If we don’t respond today, our chance to flip this seat will be in trouble.
So I’m asking again: Can you give $5? Duncan Hunter is under criminal investigation.
Experts predict he may resign. We could enter a Special Election AT ANY MOMENT.
But we’ll be at a serious disadvantage if we don’t combat these racist lies. Starting now.
Please -- I’m counting on you. Can you donate anything to this email? >> Remember: This mailer doesn’t contain a shred of truth.
In 2018, The Washington Post completely debunked these lies. These mailers are so desperate. They even contain a spelling error where they claim Rashida Tlaib, one of the first Muslim Congresswomen in history, is “anti-Isreal.”
Hunter’s spell-checkers are as bad as his fact-checkers!
But Duncan Hunter will keep throwing these lies at us non-stop.
We can’t stand idly by. We need to fight back!
So please hear my plea -- give a donation to our campaign today. If everyone reading this donates, we’ll get the truth out to voters -- and win this race. No regrets,
-Ammar |
| Paid for by Ammar Campa for Congress | Ammar Campa-NajjarPO Box 61013961 Campo Rd. Jamul CA 91935 United States
If you'd like to support Ammar Campa for Congress, you can click here to make a donation.
We believe that emails are the best way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters like you. But if you'd like to unsubscribe, you can click here.
And then this:
| Ammar Campa-Najjar is running to defeat Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter — who was recently indicted for FRAUD. This is the MOST competitive district in California held by a Republican. So we REALLY need your help. But if you'd like to receive fewer emails, click here. If you'd like to unsubscribe, click here.  | Here’s the bad (okay, AWFUL) news:
Rep. Duncan Hunter just mailed thousands of voters a racist mailer implying I have ties to terrorists. If we stand idly by, this could cost us the election.
Here’s the good (okay, AMAZING) news:
YOU. FOUGHT. BACK. Hundreds of good Democrats donated to our campaign!!
Now we’re closing in on a monumental 2,000 donations. If we hit the mark in 48 hours, we’ll FLIP this crucial House seat -- and destroy Duncan Hunter forever!
So what do you say?? Will you donate right now? Look, if you are thinking of closing this email without donating -- THINK AGAIN.
Re-read Duncan Hunter’s despicable Islamophobic mailer. Remind yourself that these lies could cost us everything. Then donate everything you have today. “Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ammar Campa-Najjar… These Three Radical Democrats Want You to Forget Their Anti-Semitism or Family Terrorist Ties” Voters are reading this mailer RIGHT NOW. So you need to respond to this email -- or it’ll be too late to make a difference.
Stand together,
-Ammar |
| Paid for by Ammar Campa for Congress | |

It went on like this as long as Duncan D. Hunter was still in office.
(post under construction.)