Saturday, October 12, 2024

Non-Wikipedia: List of Reservations About Public Library Bookstores

 Before you donate, read this list.

1. Library Bookstores (aka the "Friends of [insert library name here]") are run by volunteers, who are mostly retired women, and so they will save the books they like.

2. Which is why if you have technical books (software guides, radio technology, auto repair, electronics, old science textbooks, etc.) DO NOT DONATE them unless it is a science-oriented library bookstore. Try to sell them on Craigslist or eBay, even if for pennies on the dollar because.....

3. Anything the Chief Volunteer does not like will get tossed either into a garbage dumpster or a recycling dumpster, depending on the site. I have personally seen entire years of binders of Trains magazine chucked in a dumpster.

4. The Chief Volunteer will say "Those books won't sell" but it's just fear of anything new to them. The staff will conduct purges of books that haven't sold in months, even though many of the new books are just different editions of the books they threw away.

5. The entire project is a weird attempt to punish books for not being popular enough with the sort of audience that goes to bi-monthly Bookstore sales, i.e., other geezers.

6. Some "Friends of" Bookstores have tiny staffs and are open to the public five days a week, others are reliant on the bi-monthly weekend sales, the Main Branch of any library will have the best store, which is run every day of the week. However, the junking of books still takes place. Some of the books wind up donated to prisons (as with the lesser Bookstores), but a lot of it winds up in a dumpster.

7. Did I mention that the staffs can be completely insane? Some places are run by people who have been there for years, and there are zillions of hidden rules. Certain staffs have gotten it down to the point where they are nearly non-verbal, and woe betide the outsider.

Above: A sample "Friends of" Bookstore in San Diego that works out of the basement of a public library near the corner of Park Ave. and El Cajon. Blvd.
Below: Perpendicular photo to the photo above. This is the entire store, minus a bathroom out of shot.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Non-Wikipedia: The J.D. Vance Dossier, Reddit's "Great Ape Niggy" Exposed by the Anonymous Comrades Collective

At the cost of his X/Twitter account, journalist Ken Klippenstein published the dossier the Trump campaign compiled on James David Vance. You can download it here, but the version available as of this writing has been edited:

Above: The original image on page 57.

Below: The image as it appears now, edited with black rectangles.

There is a possibility this site would be vaporized if I published the full dossier as it was originally released, even though all of this information is available for perusal by anybody with the skills to find it, so the image of the house is the only one from the original version I am willing to show at this time.

Above: A section of the table of contents pointing out just how critical Vance was of Trump dating back to the 2016 campaign.

Below: Some of the background on Vance's feelings about Trump.

From what we have read, it's utterly bizarre that Trump picked JD Vance at all; some have blamed the influence of Donald Trump, Jr., but there is the possibility that Vance swore total allegiance to Trump and he's been desperately trying to keep his part in the "bargain."

The Worst Guy on Reddit, "Great Ape Niggy"

He's bald, lives in the South, and was at the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" march/riot. Great Ape Niggy (aka GreatApeNifty, a series of George Anthony accounts on Facebook, Just Anthony on Twitter/X, Real Sven Laden, and others) turns out to be a Tennessee family man named Micheal (note the spelling) Anthony George. George ran r/Coontown alongside 90-plus other subreddits on Reddit, all of them either neo-Nazi or derogatory (he ran r/AltRight, r/RaceWarPreppers, r/WhiteBeauty and a bunch of other subreddits that were just slurs.) All of them have been banned, and Micheal Anthony George was banned repeatedly from Reddit, Twitter/X, Facebook and other social media platforms, because the man is only on them to spread neo-Nazi propaganda.

Above: What the Great Ape Niggy avatar looked like on many of the sites George used. Notice it's a cartoon SS soldier combined with an odd variation "scheming Jew" cartoon created by A.Wyatt Mann (a Nick Bougas pen-name), and that he's gassing a dog. The image has been modified twice.

Below: What Micheal Anthony George actually looks like (center). This is a cropped photo of George at the tiki torch procession at the University of Virginia the night before the disastrous "Unite the Right" rally the next day in 2017.

(post under construction.)