Friday, September 27, 2024

More Wikipedia IRC Garbage: September 23, 2009

This blog is not dead.

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 13:18:10 2009

Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[13:18] * Now talking in #Wikipedia
[13:18] * Topic is 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Status: Up | No public logging | Guidelines: | For channel operator assistance, join #wikimedia-ops or, in emergencies, type !op followed by your request'
[13:18] * Cream|GONE is now known as Giggity
[13:18] * Giggity is now known as Cream
[13:19] * Cream is now known as Quagmire
[13:19] <unforgettableid> Quagmire:  bored?
[13:19] * iDangerMouse (n=chatzill@ Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:19] <Quagmire> unforgettableid, nah
[13:20] <Quagmire> it's the bnc lol
[13:20] <unforgettableid> Quagmire:  what do you mean?
[13:20] * iDangerMouse (n=chatzill@ has joined #wikipedia
[13:20] * Quagmire is on a psybnc
[13:22] * Yojojo (n=Yojojo@unaffiliated/barkingfish) has joined #wikipedia
[13:22] <unforgettableid> Quagmire:  why does it make you change your nick?
[13:22] <Quagmire> unforgettableid, because the config file is stupid.
[13:24] * closedmouth (n=closedmo@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit ("I have important business to attend to.")
[13:26] * unforgettableid ( Quit ("Leaving")
[13:27] * CorpX (n=tommy@unaffiliated/corpx) has joined #wikipedia
[13:30] * Darkskynet ( has joined #wikipedia
[13:37] * Cyrius ( Quit ("Where are we going, and what's with the handbasket?")
[13:38] * MidnightRambler (n=LoneWolf@wikia/ODST-Joshie) has joined #wikipedia
[13:43] <iDangerMouse> later
[13:44] * iDangerMouse (n=chatzill@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:46] * mazer_ ( has joined #wikipedia
[13:46] * mazer_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:46] * mazer_ ( has joined #wikipedia
[13:49] * lucasbfr (n=lucasbfr@wikipedia/lucasbfr) has joined #wikipedia
[13:54] * MuZemike (n=chatzill@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia
[13:58] * Neurolysis (i=Neurolys@wikipedia/neurolysis) has joined #wikipedia
[13:59] * Lancien ( has joined #wikipedia
[14:00] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 14:01:02 2009

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 16:46:09 2009
Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[16:46] * Now talking in #Wikipedia
[16:46] * Topic is 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Status: Up | No public logging | Guidelines: | For channel operator assistance, join #wikimedia-ops or, in emergencies, type !op followed by your request'
[16:46] * Set by PeterSymonds on Tue Sep 22 17:47:25
[16:46] #wikipedia url is
[16:47] * Xzapro4 ( Quit ("When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.2 Shiny")
[16:47] * Yojojo (n=Yojojo@unaffiliated/barkingfish) has joined #wikipedia
[16:47] * Jake_Wartenberg (n=Jake_War@wikipedia/jake-wartenberg) has joined #wikipedia
[16:49] * SudoKing (n=geek@wikipedia/PseudoOne) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
[16:49] * SudoKing_ is now known as SudoKing
[16:50] * Jocke_Pirat (n=jaytheno@wikimedia/Jocke-Pirat) has joined #wikipedia
[16:50] * Gurumasa (n=Gurumasa@ Quit ("Lähdössä")
[16:52] * zocky (n=zocky@wikipedia/zocky) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:53] * Cream|GONE is now known as Quagmire
[16:53] -ChanServ- [#defocus] Hi all, and welcome to #defocus. Please see Please be patient and you will be voiced. Do not ask for voice, it will be given to you soon. Thanks!
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 16:53:37 2009

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 16:53:37 2009
Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[16:53] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 16:53:38 2009

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 17:05:38 2009
Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[17:05] * Now talking in #Wikipedia
[17:05] * Topic is 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Status: Up | No public logging | Guidelines: | For channel operator assistance, join #wikimedia-ops or, in emergencies, type !op followed by your request'
[17:05] <eptalon> irc is sent over an unencrypted connection, in clear text.
[17:06] <netbook> it is hosted on a server not owned by wikipedia
[17:06] <netbook> operating a channel is like editing an article on wikipedia
[17:06] * Lindberg47 ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:07] <Yojojo> anyone can do it.
[17:07] <Yojojo> Shame we can't semi irc though...
[17:09] <netbook> meh it is alright
[17:09] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:10] <Yojojo> wait a minute... We can semiprot irc... That's what +r is for...
[17:10] <Yojojo> no unregistered users in channel.
[17:10] <Yojojo> :)
[17:10] <Dendodge> but anyone can register, and there's no autoconfirmed requirement
[17:10] <SkEmO> yush
[17:11] <eptalon> +i, invite only.
[17:11] * MidnightRambler (n=LoneWolf@wikia/ODST-Joshie) Quit ("Ramble Ramble Ramble, so much rambling to do, so little time to do it.")
[17:11] <Dendodge> that's more full-prot
[17:11] <PeterSymonds> +r is the one that restricts unregistered users.
[17:11] <PeterSymonds> Just fyi. :P
[17:11] <Yojojo> dendodge, no, but they must confirm a valid email to keep their account.
[17:12] <Yojojo> So in a way, that is a verification process.
[17:12] <Dendodge> I guess it would people off, but I don't recommend we do it
[17:12] <eptalon> Yojojo:
[17:13] <Yojojo> lol
[17:13] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia
[17:14] <eptalon> Yojojo: so you see ,thats not really a protection either.
[17:14] <Yojojo> I'm still of the frame of mind to campaign places like this not to register people with throwaway emails
[17:14] <kmccoy> Yojojo, what's a "throwaway email"?
[17:14] <Yojojo> one you can just dispose of and open another one, a freebie
[17:15] <Yojojo> Hotmail, gmail, that kind.
[17:15] <eptalon> kmccoy: an email you throw away, after printing, to make sure it is environmentally-friendly?
[17:15] <Betacommand> kmccoy:
[17:15] <kmccoy> Yojojo, so a gmail account isn't acceptable?
[17:15] * Philippe|Wiki (n=Philippe@wikimedia/Philippe) has joined #wikipedia
[17:15] <Dendodge> I have an ntlworld, a hotmail, and a gmail—are they throwaways?
[17:15] * Philippe|Wiki (n=Philippe@wikimedia/Philippe) has left #wikipedia
[17:15] <kmccoy> Yojojo, I don't understand how anyone can honestly suggest to deny things like gmail or Yahoo mail accounts anymore.  For some users, that may be all they have.
[17:15] <eptalon> I od have an unused yahoo, and my main email is currently gmail.
[17:15] <Yojojo> Kmccoy: i consider gmail and hotmail throwaways, where you ignore them, they disappear if you don't log in after a month....
[17:16] <Yojojo> Well not gmail,
[17:16] <Yojojo> But hotmail ones do
[17:16] <Dendodge> do they?
[17:16] * Chzz (n=ftevans@wikipedia/Chzz) has joined #wikipedia
[17:16] <Yojojo> If you fail to login for 30 days, they suspend and stop accepting email, and all your folders get emptied
[17:17] <eptalon> yahoo ones need to be "activated" again if you like don't log in for about half a year.
[17:17] <BrewJay> I hated it when my kitchen knives kept ending up in someone's bedroom. I did not like it when one guy used the long blade for everything.
[17:17] <Dendodge> ...
[17:17] <Dendodge> o_O
[17:17] <Yojojo> I belong to a site where you can only reg if you have a paid isp email
[17:17] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Client Quit)
[17:18] <Yojojo> Ntlworld,,, etc
[17:18] <kmccoy> Yojojo, that's stupid.
[17:18] <Dendodge> ntlworld = virginmedia :P
[17:18] <Yojojo> dendodge, i know
[17:18] <kmccoy> Yojojo, people change ISPs, some people don't have them, some people don't use the email services provided by them.
[17:18] <Yojojo> Some people still have, and not though
[17:18] <Dendodge> like me, for example
[17:19] * Bungle ( Quit ("Pheanzis, Behold.. something about tissues..")
[17:19] <Betacommand> any admins want to go on a deletion spree?
[17:21] * zro (n=zro@wikimedia/zro) Quit ("Death")
[17:22] <Jake_Wartenberg> sure
[17:22] * gurch (n=User@unaffiliated/gurch) has joined #wikipedia
[17:23] <Betacommand> Jake_Wartenberg: Im running the query now
[17:23] <Betacommand> Jake_Wartenberg: Ive got a large list of commons dupes, that where uploaded to commons before 08
[17:23] <Jake_Wartenberg> cool
[17:23] <Jake_Wartenberg> massdelete ok for this?
[17:24] * vev ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:24] <Betacommand> Jake_Wartenberg: needs review
[17:24] <Jake_Wartenberg> ok
[17:24] <Betacommand> some are tagged as not to delete
[17:24] <Jake_Wartenberg> can you exclude those in the query?
[17:25] <Betacommand> Jake_Wartenberg: I havent had time to fiddle with the query yet
[17:25] <Betacommand> {{nocommons}} is on some of them
[17:25] <Jake_Wartenberg> right
[17:26] <Betacommand> which does not add any categories
[17:26] * pentecostes ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:26] <Jake_Wartenberg> you can grab the list of pages that template is used on, though
[17:27] <Jake_Wartenberg> that template probably should add a cat if it would make this kind of thing easier
[17:27] * eptalon (n=robert@wikipedia/Eptalon) Quit ("leaving")
[17:27] <Jake_Wartenberg> should I edit it?
[17:28] * Melos (n=Melos@wikimedia/Melos) has joined #wikipedia
[17:28] <Betacommand> Jake_Wartenberg: Im thinking of TfDing it
[17:31] * Drule (n=Drule@ Quit ("Random Frasier quote: Fraaasieeeeeer! - Martin "Marty" Crane")
[17:32] * gurch (n=User@unaffiliated/gurch) Quit ("Leaving.")
[17:33] * Kaare is now known as KaareAway
[17:40] <tombom_>
[17:40] <tombom_> :(
[17:41] * Pokeyourheadoff ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:41] <AngryParsley> why is aetna so nice?
[17:41] * Tsenz (i=Tsenz@ has joined #wikipedia
[17:42] * Prodego (i=Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:43] <tombom_> no idea
[17:43] <SkEmO> cos he/she got laid maybe
[17:44] * Rdsmith4 (n=Rdsmith4@wikipedia/Rdsmith4) has joined #wikipedia
[17:45] <tombom_> thanks for your contribution
[17:46] * Unironfist ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:47] * err404 ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:47] * tombom_ (n=tombom@wikipedia/Tombomp) Quit ("Leaving")
[17:47] * bittwist is now known as Al_Gore
[17:51] * vev ( Quit ("Quitte")
[17:54] * Al_Gore is now known as Bob-Dole
[17:54] * NicholasT (n=nicholas@unaffiliated/nicholast) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:54] * Lindberg47 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:57] * Tsenz (i=Tsenz@ Quit ("Leaving...")
[17:58] * Neonexus (n=NeoNexus@ has joined #Wikipedia
[17:59] * Mike_H ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:59] <Neonexus> any experienced wikipedians about?
[17:59] * Platonides (n=Platonid@wikipedia/Platonides) Quit
[18:00] * Bob-Dole is now known as David_Addington
[18:00] <Betacommand> Neonexus: yes, whats up?
[18:00] <Yojojo> neonexus, depends on how experienced you want us. How can we help?
[18:01] * Jocke_Pirat (n=jaytheno@wikimedia/Jocke-Pirat) has left #wikipedia
[18:01] <Neonexus> how can i reference or cite local facts?
[18:02] * Jelco (n=Jelco@unaffiliated/jelco) Quit ("Laziness will prevail! In my dreams anyway...")
[18:02] <Betacommand> Neonexus: define local facts
[18:03] * David_Addington is now known as bittwist
[18:04] <Neonexus> if there is a local building and I want to talk about it, but no other information exists about that building
[18:05] * Ose (n=ose@wikia/Ose) Quit ("“Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window.” - Steve Wozniak")
[18:05] * Lindberg47 ( has joined #wikipedia
[18:06] <Dendodge> it's probably not notale, then
[18:06] <Dendodge> *notable
[18:06] <Neonexus> how do I prevent is getting "This article needs additional citations for verification." plastered all over it?
[18:06] <Neonexus> is = it
[18:07] <Dendodge> you have to find books, newspapers, or websites to prove the facts in the article
[18:08] <Neonexus> confusing
[18:09] <Neonexus> the whole idea for writing about it is to tell people about it so its not lost in time
[18:09] <Dendodge> run a Google search for the name of the building, and see what comes up
[18:13] <Neonexus> nothing
[18:17] <mavhc> no local paper? local documents?
[18:17] * christian16 ( has joined #wikipedia
[18:17] * rw ( Quit
[18:17] <christian16> hola
[18:17] <christian16> kien coño habla español
[18:17] <mavhc> just make up citations for a lot of local stuff that noone'll ever check
[18:18] * christian16 said frikipedia rules
[18:18] <PeterSymonds> christian16, hola, try #wikipedia-es
[18:18] * christian16 ( has left #wikipedia
[18:19] * bluefoxicy ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:20] <Neonexus> nope, just in local people heads
[18:20] <Neonexus> and they are getting old and dying off, losing the information
[18:20] <PeterSymonds> Neonexus, unfortunately then it won't be possible to make an article on it at the present time.
[18:21] <PeterSymonds> This is because the information can only come from non-published sources, which is original research.
[18:21] <PeterSymonds> See <> for more info.
[18:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +o dircbot
[18:22] * dircbot sets mode: -ob dircbot %*!*@
[18:25] * Chzz (n=ftevans@wikipedia/Chzz) Quit
[18:25] * Yojojo (n=Yojojo@unaffiliated/barkingfish) Quit ("Objectivum nil termine est, qui obesa cantavit")
[18:26] <mavhc> do the research, publish it on a website, then cite it
[18:26] * Vikx ( Quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.21 :: )")
[18:26] <Neonexus> be better setting up my own wiki then
[18:27] <PeterSymonds> Yeah, that's one option. It'd be good to have the info recorded somewhere. :)
[18:27] <PeterSymonds> Even if we can't provide it here.
[18:27] <Neonexus> I know thought the research could help the wikipedia project instead of page stubs
[18:31] <Neonexus> may I private message you peter?
[18:31] <PeterSymonds> Sure.
[18:35] * lucasbfr (n=lucasbfr@wikipedia/lucasbfr) Quit (No route to host)
[18:36] * KerliQ ( has joined #wikipedia
[18:36] <KerliQ> (o: Hellos :o)
[18:42] * Chzz (n=ftevans@wikipedia/Chzz) has joined #wikipedia
[18:42] * geniice (n=chatzill@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia
[18:42] <geniice> The National Secular Society said it was planning demonstrations against the visit in protest at what it called Pope Benedict's "intransigence and fundamentalism".
[18:42] <geniice> he's the pope. That's pretty much his job description
[18:43] * Prodego (i=Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia
[18:44] <mavhc> well, last pope was better
[18:44] * Drule (n=Drule@ has joined #wikipedia
[18:46] <geniice> not really
[18:46] <KerliQ> looks like OlEnglish is going to get Administrator
[18:47] * Reedy (n=Reedy@wikimedia/ Quit ("Leaving")
[18:48] <mavhc> he did say evolution was real
[18:49] <geniice> so has the current one
[18:53] * Olipro (n=Olipro@uncyclopedia/ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
[18:53] * Olipro (n=Olipro@uncyclopedia/ has joined #wikipedia
[18:56] * Cyrius ( has joined #wikipedia
[18:57] <denelson83> Amber Alert in south Texas
[18:57] <Cyrius> so?
[19:00] * edubruell ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:01] * Keegan_ (n=chatzill@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:01] <denelson83> You're not in south Texas
[19:02] * Peter17 (n=peter@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:03] -> *cary* btw are you gonna get married in canada :P
[19:04] <denelson83> You're in Beaumont
[19:05] <denelson83> near Houston
[19:05] * PeterSymonds (n=Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit ("Leaving")
[19:06] * Gracenotes (n=person@wikipedia/Gracenotes) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:07] <kmccoy> omgouting
[19:09] * Melos (n=Melos@wikimedia/Melos) Quit ("...")
[19:10] * VierFuen1Zwei ( has joined #wikipedia
[19:12] * MindstormsKid (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia
[19:21] * Suiseiseki (n=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:21] * Suiseiseki (n=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #wikipedia
[19:22] * VierFuenfZwei ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:23] <Lindberg47> "I have understanding for mistakes happend." How can I say that in a better way?
[19:24] * Sheltem (i=niemand@unaffiliated/sheltem) Quit ("It was once said that a black man would be president "when pigs fly" indeed 100 days into Obama's presidency....Swine flu")
[19:27] * rainman-sr ( Quit ("Leaving")
[19:28] * PeterDarkness ( Quit ("...Then he started throwing sea creatures.")
[19:28] <Lindberg47> can you say this: "I understand that mistakes happen. But it is always troubeling to recieve the wrong product."?
[19:29] <denelson83> Well thank you very much Mr. Gigo
[19:29] <Lindberg47> is that correct English?
[19:31] * Lady_Aleena (n=Lady_Ale@Wikipedia/Lady-Aleena) Quit ("So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good bye!")
[19:31] * Neonexus (n=NeoNexus@ has left #Wikipedia
[19:31] * MindstormsKid (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:32] * MindstormsKid (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia
[19:32] * Alkivar (i=Alkivar@wikipedia/Alkivar) Quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:35] * Sir48 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:35] * KerliQ ( has left #wikipedia ("...and I'll keep walking when skies are grey, whatever happens was meant that way...")
[19:36] * Alkivar (i=Alkivar@ has joined #wikipedia
[19:38] * Matthewedwards (n=chatzill@wikipedia/Matthewedwards) has joined #wikipedia
[19:40] * geniice (n=chatzill@wikipedia/geniice) Quit ("Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1.17/2009060506]")
[19:41] * Sir48 ( has joined #wikipedia
[19:41] <Chzz> Lindberg47 Two spelling errors;  "troubling" and "receive"
[19:42] <Lindberg47> yes i saw that, but otherwise?
[19:43] * quanticle (n=quanticl@wikipedia/Quanticle) has joined #wikipedia
[19:48] * Interstate_39 (n=onsons@wikimedia/Master-son) has joined #wikipedia
[19:51] * VierFuen1Zwei is now known as VierFuenfZwei
[19:53] * MindstormsKid (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:53] * MindstormsKid_ (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia
[19:53] * MindstormsKid_ is now known as MindstormsKid
[19:54] * Interstate_39 is now known as mson|food
[19:54] * mson|food is now known as Interstate_39
[19:54] * Dendodge (n=Dendodge@Wikipedia/Dendodge) Quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish!")
[19:57] <BrewJay> mavhc: Regarding publishing your own research on a website, then citing it on wikipedia, that is under "Avoid Self-Reference". It is okay to write it up on a website, though.
[19:59] <BrewJay> Lindberg47: I.h.u.f.m.h I tolerate mistakes.
[20:03] <Alkivar> holy fuck... as if the bugatti veyron wasnt expensive enough... Mansory has gone and made one entirely out of carbon fiber
[20:03] <BrewJay> After you do research and write it up neatly, then a local paper might edit it, publish it, get feedback, find you notable events in building that you did not know about.
[20:03] * Mm40 (n=chatzill@Wikipedia/Mm40) has joined #wikipedia
[20:04] <mavhc> find a friend to write the wp article then
[20:04] * turn-omg ( Quit ("Leaving...")
[20:04] * kmccoy_ ( has joined #wikipedia
[20:05] * Gigs ( has joined #wikipedia
[20:06] <Sky2042_afk> mavhc: You may wish to view
[20:07] * j (n=j@wikipedia/j) has joined #wikipedia
[20:08] * Gigs ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:09] * Mparu (i=570a80d1@gateway/web/freenode/x-tbdwivtzxjsfttby) has joined #wikipedia
[20:09] * Mard|SWMT (n=Mardetan@wikipedia/Mardetanha) Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:09] <Mparu> Is there any icelandic speaker?
[20:10] * err404 ( has left #wikipedia
[20:11] <Mparu> Nobody?
[20:13] <Mparu> Is there any speaker of one of theese languages: Bulgarian, Greek, Albanian, Czech, Slovak, Irish, Welsh.
[20:14] * Mm40 (n=chatzill@Wikipedia/Mm40) Quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.3/20090824101458]")
[20:16] <BrewJay> Vejetarians eat only vejtablz. Is Jeffrey Dahmer a humanitarian?
[20:17] <Cyrius> no, because he's dead
[20:19] * kmccoy (n=a@wikimedia/kmccoy) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:26] * PeterDarkness ( has joined #wikipedia
[20:28] <Lindberg47> BrewJay: I.h.u.f.m.h ?
[20:31] <BrewJay> "I have understanding for mistakes happened." I tolerate mistakes.
[20:34] * Themfromspace ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:36] <BrewJay> The cops who did not check into Dahmer's probation status at the time of a kidnapping were promoted.
[20:41] * mazer_ ( Quit
[20:41] * kmccoy_ is now known as kmccoy
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 20:48:35 2009

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 20:48:35 2009
Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[20:48] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 21:01:18 2009

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 22:26:30 2009
Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[22:26] * Now talking in #Wikipedia
[22:26] * Topic is 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Status: Up | No public logging | Guidelines: | For channel operator assistance, join #wikimedia-ops or, in emergencies, type !op followed by your request'
[22:27] * Cream (n=cream@unaffiliated/cream) Quit ("Colloquy for iPhone -")
[22:27] <gwern> Cyrius: that was great as well
[22:28] <gwern> I also like the Defenestrations of Prague
[22:28] <KerliQ> brb, I have to restart my browser, new add-on :P
[22:28] <Cyrius> I was betting on you having made that one up
[22:29] <gwern> you should know I never lie! except when I do
[22:29] <Cyrius> so all your stories are true?
[22:29] * KerliQ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:29] <gwern> Cyrius: sure. except the one about the noodle incident
[22:29] <Cyrius> even the lies?
[22:30] <gwern> all lies. no trutheller I, bah, I derive my truthtelling abilities! I cannot handle the truth!
[22:30] <gwern> *deride
[22:32] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:32] <quanticle> There was more than one Defenstration of Prague? I only know about the one that started the 30 years war.
[22:32] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia
[22:33] <Chzz> quanticle
[22:34] * Chzz (n=ftevans@wikipedia/Chzz) Quit
[22:35] <quanticle> "Philip Fabricius was later ennobled by the emperor and granted the title von Hohenfall (lit. meaning "of Highfall")." <-- I think the Holy Roman Emperor was having a royal joke with that one.
[22:35] <gwern> quanticle: no doubt the courtiers collectively wet themselves in joy at never lacking for jokes when Fabricius was around
[22:37] * KerliQ ( has joined #wikipedia
[22:37] * Olipro_ is now known as Olipro
[22:37] <KerliQ> I'm back
[22:37] <KerliQ> that add-on is fantastic!
[22:37] <gwern> I've never understood peoples' fascination with URL shortening
[22:38] <KerliQ> you just go to the page, click the button and automatically creates it and copies it to your clipboard
[22:38] * Ceiling_Cat ( has joined #wikipedia
[22:40] <Ceiling_Cat> [[List of works by Thomas Eakins]] <--- 114 pages and counting
[22:40] <Ceiling_Cat> in a year, that is going to be the longest article on Wikipedia
[22:41] * VierFuenfZwei ( has joined #wikipedia
[22:42] <OverlordQ> tldr
[22:42] <Ceiling_Cat> OverlordQ - clicky the link. It's mostly pixxx
[22:42] <Ceiling_Cat> including some nekkid ppl
[22:43] <OverlordQ> too took long to load for such a low nudie pic ratio
[22:43] <OverlordQ> *took too
[22:43] <gwern> huh. with some reasonable assumptions, it would take approximately 50 hours to consume the majority of _Oh My Goddess!_
[22:43] <gwern> that's more than a working week
[22:43] <KerliQ> so you don't shorten URLs?
[22:44] <Ceiling_Cat> (on snap, it's a 4 meg download to get that page)
[22:44] <Ceiling_Cat> KerliQ - no, Wikipedia uses only canonical URLs
[22:44] <gwern> KerliQ: no. why would I?
[22:45] <KerliQ> In URL, ? = %3F%0A      + = %2B%0A%0A
[22:46] <KerliQ> and what if you want to link,_Mutant,_Alien,_Flesh_Eating,_Hellbound,_Zombified_Living_Dead_Part_2:_In_Shocking_2-D
[22:46] <Ceiling_Cat> worked for me
[22:46] <Ceiling_Cat> if you don't like long URLs, don't go to articles with long titles
[22:47] <Ceiling_Cat> or use copy-paste :)
[22:47] * ChanServ sets mode: +o dircbot
[22:47] * dircbot sets mode: -ob dircbot *!*
[22:47] <KerliQ> Instead of that long post I could have just clicked the button and then I have
[22:47] <gwern> KerliQ: I would use the long URL because that's part of the humor of that link
[22:47] <Ceiling_Cat> KerliQ - and what happpens with ceases to exist?
[22:47] <Ceiling_Cat> all your shortened URL links break
[22:47] <Ceiling_Cat> you have introduced a new point of failure
[22:48] <Cyrius> well
[22:48] <Cyrius> long-term availability isn't that big an issue on IRC
[22:48] * engla (n=ulrik@wikipedia/Sverdrup) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:48] <KerliQ> won't
[22:49] <KerliQ> and what about part 3?,_Mutant,_Hellbound,_Flesh-Eating_Subhumanoid_Zombified_Living_Dead,_Part_3
[22:49] <gwern> 0.99 * 0.99 < 0.99...
[22:49] <gwern> KerliQ: or you could link a redirect
[22:49] <gwern> nearly as reliable as direct linking
[22:49] <gwern> more informative
[22:50] <gwern> not dependent on mayflies
[22:50] <Gracenotes> gwern: formal proof nao :o
[22:50] <gwern> Gracenotes: I WILL OFFER YOU A CONSTRUCTIVE PROOF! come with me to #haskell!
[22:50] <KerliQ>
[22:50] <Gracenotes> :O
[22:51] <Gracenotes> I think it could be done with the basic rules of real arithmetic. maybe transitivity, too
[22:51] * Willking1979 is now known as Willking|Sleep
[22:51] <gwern> Gracenotes: screw your existence proofs, I demand constructions!
[22:52] <Gracenotes> I shall prove that they are equivalent
[22:52] <gwern> using - SCIENCE! ?
[22:53] <Gracenotes> proof by threat of nuclear holocaust
[22:53] <gwern> ah, argumentum ad verecundiam. excellent choice sir
[22:55] <Gracenotes> reductio ad mad
[22:56] * CorpX (n=tommy@unaffiliated/corpx) Quit (No route to host)
[22:56] * CorpX (n=tommy@unaffiliated/corpx) has joined #wikipedia
[22:57] * Rdsmith4 (n=Rdsmith4@wikipedia/Rdsmith4) has joined #wikipedia
[22:57] * OlEnglish (n=me@wikipedia/OlEnglish) has joined #wikipedia
[22:58] * nelmwyn (n=Nelmwyn@ has joined #wikipedia
[22:59] * Ceiling_Cat (n=Raul654@wikipedia/Raul654) Quit
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 23:01:21 2009

Above: A podcast on how badly screwed the United Kingdom is from a political/Big Tech perspective. Trashfuture overlaps with other podcasts Well There's Your Problem and Kill James Bond! thanks to co-host November (formerly Alice) Caldwell-Kelly.