Saturday, October 12, 2024

Non-Wikipedia: List of Reservations About Public Library Bookstores

 Before you donate, read this list.

1. Library Bookstores (aka the "Friends of [insert library name here]") are run by volunteers, who are mostly retired women, and so they will save the books they like.

2. Which is why if you have technical books (software guides, radio technology, auto repair, electronics, old science textbooks, etc.) DO NOT DONATE them unless it is a science-oriented library bookstore. Try to sell them on Craigslist or eBay, even if for pennies on the dollar because.....

3. Anything the Chief Volunteer does not like will get tossed either into a garbage dumpster or a recycling dumpster, depending on the site. I have personally seen entire years of binders of Trains magazine chucked in a dumpster.

4. The Chief Volunteer will say "Those books won't sell" but it's just fear of anything new to them. The staff will conduct purges of books that haven't sold in months, even though many of the new books are just different editions of the books they threw away.

5. The entire project is a weird attempt to punish books for not being popular enough with the sort of audience that goes to bi-monthly Bookstore sales, i.e., other geezers.

6. Some "Friends of" Bookstores have tiny staffs and are open to the public five days a week, others are reliant on the bi-monthly weekend sales, the Main Branch of any library will have the best store, which is run every day of the week. However, the junking of books still takes place. Some of the books wind up donated to prisons (as with the lesser Bookstores), but a lot of it winds up in a dumpster.

7. Did I mention that the staffs can be completely insane? Some places are run by people who have been there for years, and there are zillions of hidden rules. Certain staffs have gotten it down to the point where they are nearly non-verbal, and woe betide the outsider.

Above: A sample "Friends of" Bookstore in San Diego that works out of the basement of a public library near the corner of Park Ave. and El Cajon. Blvd.
Below: Perpendicular photo to the photo above. This is the entire store, minus a bathroom out of shot.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Non-Wikipedia: The J.D. Vance Dossier, Reddit's "Great Ape Niggy" Exposed by the Anonymous Comrades Collective

At the cost of his X/Twitter account, journalist Ken Klippenstein published the dossier the Trump campaign compiled on James David Vance. You can download it here, but the version available as of this writing has been edited:

Above: The original image on page 57.

Below: The image as it appears now, edited with black rectangles.

There is a possibility this site would be vaporized if I published the full dossier as it was originally released, even though all of this information is available for perusal by anybody with the skills to find it, so the image of the house is the only one from the original version I am willing to show at this time.

Above: A section of the table of contents pointing out just how critical Vance was of Trump dating back to the 2016 campaign.

Below: Some of the background on Vance's feelings about Trump.

From what we have read, it's utterly bizarre that Trump picked JD Vance at all; some have blamed the influence of Donald Trump, Jr., but there is the possibility that Vance swore total allegiance to Trump and he's been desperately trying to keep his part in the "bargain."

The Worst Guy on Reddit, "Great Ape Niggy"

He's bald, lives in the South, and was at the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" march/riot. Great Ape Niggy (aka GreatApeNifty, a series of George Anthony accounts on Facebook, Just Anthony on Twitter/X, Real Sven Laden, and others) turns out to be a Tennessee family man named Micheal (note the spelling) Anthony George. George ran r/Coontown alongside 90-plus other subreddits on Reddit, all of them either neo-Nazi or derogatory (he ran r/AltRight, r/RaceWarPreppers, r/WhiteBeauty and a bunch of other subreddits that were just slurs.) All of them have been banned, and Micheal Anthony George was banned repeatedly from Reddit, Twitter/X, Facebook and other social media platforms, because the man is only on them to spread neo-Nazi propaganda.

Above: What the Great Ape Niggy avatar looked like on many of the sites George used. Notice it's a cartoon SS soldier combined with an odd variation "scheming Jew" cartoon created by A.Wyatt Mann (a Nick Bougas pen-name), and that he's gassing a dog. The image has been modified twice.

Below: What Micheal Anthony George actually looks like (center). This is a cropped photo of George at the tiki torch procession at the University of Virginia the night before the disastrous "Unite the Right" rally the next day in 2017.

(post under construction.)

Friday, September 27, 2024

More Wikipedia IRC Garbage: September 23, 2009

This blog is not dead.

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 13:18:10 2009

Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[13:18] * Now talking in #Wikipedia
[13:18] * Topic is 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Status: Up | No public logging | Guidelines: | For channel operator assistance, join #wikimedia-ops or, in emergencies, type !op followed by your request'
[13:18] * Cream|GONE is now known as Giggity
[13:18] * Giggity is now known as Cream
[13:19] * Cream is now known as Quagmire
[13:19] <unforgettableid> Quagmire:  bored?
[13:19] * iDangerMouse (n=chatzill@ Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:19] <Quagmire> unforgettableid, nah
[13:20] <Quagmire> it's the bnc lol
[13:20] <unforgettableid> Quagmire:  what do you mean?
[13:20] * iDangerMouse (n=chatzill@ has joined #wikipedia
[13:20] * Quagmire is on a psybnc
[13:22] * Yojojo (n=Yojojo@unaffiliated/barkingfish) has joined #wikipedia
[13:22] <unforgettableid> Quagmire:  why does it make you change your nick?
[13:22] <Quagmire> unforgettableid, because the config file is stupid.
[13:24] * closedmouth (n=closedmo@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit ("I have important business to attend to.")
[13:26] * unforgettableid ( Quit ("Leaving")
[13:27] * CorpX (n=tommy@unaffiliated/corpx) has joined #wikipedia
[13:30] * Darkskynet ( has joined #wikipedia
[13:37] * Cyrius ( Quit ("Where are we going, and what's with the handbasket?")
[13:38] * MidnightRambler (n=LoneWolf@wikia/ODST-Joshie) has joined #wikipedia
[13:43] <iDangerMouse> later
[13:44] * iDangerMouse (n=chatzill@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:46] * mazer_ ( has joined #wikipedia
[13:46] * mazer_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:46] * mazer_ ( has joined #wikipedia
[13:49] * lucasbfr (n=lucasbfr@wikipedia/lucasbfr) has joined #wikipedia
[13:54] * MuZemike (n=chatzill@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia
[13:58] * Neurolysis (i=Neurolys@wikipedia/neurolysis) has joined #wikipedia
[13:59] * Lancien ( has joined #wikipedia
[14:00] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 14:01:02 2009

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 16:46:09 2009
Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[16:46] * Now talking in #Wikipedia
[16:46] * Topic is 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Status: Up | No public logging | Guidelines: | For channel operator assistance, join #wikimedia-ops or, in emergencies, type !op followed by your request'
[16:46] * Set by PeterSymonds on Tue Sep 22 17:47:25
[16:46] #wikipedia url is
[16:47] * Xzapro4 ( Quit ("When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.2 Shiny")
[16:47] * Yojojo (n=Yojojo@unaffiliated/barkingfish) has joined #wikipedia
[16:47] * Jake_Wartenberg (n=Jake_War@wikipedia/jake-wartenberg) has joined #wikipedia
[16:49] * SudoKing (n=geek@wikipedia/PseudoOne) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
[16:49] * SudoKing_ is now known as SudoKing
[16:50] * Jocke_Pirat (n=jaytheno@wikimedia/Jocke-Pirat) has joined #wikipedia
[16:50] * Gurumasa (n=Gurumasa@ Quit ("Lähdössä")
[16:52] * zocky (n=zocky@wikipedia/zocky) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:53] * Cream|GONE is now known as Quagmire
[16:53] -ChanServ- [#defocus] Hi all, and welcome to #defocus. Please see Please be patient and you will be voiced. Do not ask for voice, it will be given to you soon. Thanks!
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 16:53:37 2009

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 16:53:37 2009
Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[16:53] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 16:53:38 2009

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 17:05:38 2009
Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[17:05] * Now talking in #Wikipedia
[17:05] * Topic is 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Status: Up | No public logging | Guidelines: | For channel operator assistance, join #wikimedia-ops or, in emergencies, type !op followed by your request'
[17:05] <eptalon> irc is sent over an unencrypted connection, in clear text.
[17:06] <netbook> it is hosted on a server not owned by wikipedia
[17:06] <netbook> operating a channel is like editing an article on wikipedia
[17:06] * Lindberg47 ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:07] <Yojojo> anyone can do it.
[17:07] <Yojojo> Shame we can't semi irc though...
[17:09] <netbook> meh it is alright
[17:09] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:10] <Yojojo> wait a minute... We can semiprot irc... That's what +r is for...
[17:10] <Yojojo> no unregistered users in channel.
[17:10] <Yojojo> :)
[17:10] <Dendodge> but anyone can register, and there's no autoconfirmed requirement
[17:10] <SkEmO> yush
[17:11] <eptalon> +i, invite only.
[17:11] * MidnightRambler (n=LoneWolf@wikia/ODST-Joshie) Quit ("Ramble Ramble Ramble, so much rambling to do, so little time to do it.")
[17:11] <Dendodge> that's more full-prot
[17:11] <PeterSymonds> +r is the one that restricts unregistered users.
[17:11] <PeterSymonds> Just fyi. :P
[17:11] <Yojojo> dendodge, no, but they must confirm a valid email to keep their account.
[17:12] <Yojojo> So in a way, that is a verification process.
[17:12] <Dendodge> I guess it would people off, but I don't recommend we do it
[17:12] <eptalon> Yojojo:
[17:13] <Yojojo> lol
[17:13] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia
[17:14] <eptalon> Yojojo: so you see ,thats not really a protection either.
[17:14] <Yojojo> I'm still of the frame of mind to campaign places like this not to register people with throwaway emails
[17:14] <kmccoy> Yojojo, what's a "throwaway email"?
[17:14] <Yojojo> one you can just dispose of and open another one, a freebie
[17:15] <Yojojo> Hotmail, gmail, that kind.
[17:15] <eptalon> kmccoy: an email you throw away, after printing, to make sure it is environmentally-friendly?
[17:15] <Betacommand> kmccoy:
[17:15] <kmccoy> Yojojo, so a gmail account isn't acceptable?
[17:15] * Philippe|Wiki (n=Philippe@wikimedia/Philippe) has joined #wikipedia
[17:15] <Dendodge> I have an ntlworld, a hotmail, and a gmail—are they throwaways?
[17:15] * Philippe|Wiki (n=Philippe@wikimedia/Philippe) has left #wikipedia
[17:15] <kmccoy> Yojojo, I don't understand how anyone can honestly suggest to deny things like gmail or Yahoo mail accounts anymore.  For some users, that may be all they have.
[17:15] <eptalon> I od have an unused yahoo, and my main email is currently gmail.
[17:15] <Yojojo> Kmccoy: i consider gmail and hotmail throwaways, where you ignore them, they disappear if you don't log in after a month....
[17:16] <Yojojo> Well not gmail,
[17:16] <Yojojo> But hotmail ones do
[17:16] <Dendodge> do they?
[17:16] * Chzz (n=ftevans@wikipedia/Chzz) has joined #wikipedia
[17:16] <Yojojo> If you fail to login for 30 days, they suspend and stop accepting email, and all your folders get emptied
[17:17] <eptalon> yahoo ones need to be "activated" again if you like don't log in for about half a year.
[17:17] <BrewJay> I hated it when my kitchen knives kept ending up in someone's bedroom. I did not like it when one guy used the long blade for everything.
[17:17] <Dendodge> ...
[17:17] <Dendodge> o_O
[17:17] <Yojojo> I belong to a site where you can only reg if you have a paid isp email
[17:17] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Client Quit)
[17:18] <Yojojo> Ntlworld,,, etc
[17:18] <kmccoy> Yojojo, that's stupid.
[17:18] <Dendodge> ntlworld = virginmedia :P
[17:18] <Yojojo> dendodge, i know
[17:18] <kmccoy> Yojojo, people change ISPs, some people don't have them, some people don't use the email services provided by them.
[17:18] <Yojojo> Some people still have, and not though
[17:18] <Dendodge> like me, for example
[17:19] * Bungle ( Quit ("Pheanzis, Behold.. something about tissues..")
[17:19] <Betacommand> any admins want to go on a deletion spree?
[17:21] * zro (n=zro@wikimedia/zro) Quit ("Death")
[17:22] <Jake_Wartenberg> sure
[17:22] * gurch (n=User@unaffiliated/gurch) has joined #wikipedia
[17:23] <Betacommand> Jake_Wartenberg: Im running the query now
[17:23] <Betacommand> Jake_Wartenberg: Ive got a large list of commons dupes, that where uploaded to commons before 08
[17:23] <Jake_Wartenberg> cool
[17:23] <Jake_Wartenberg> massdelete ok for this?
[17:24] * vev ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:24] <Betacommand> Jake_Wartenberg: needs review
[17:24] <Jake_Wartenberg> ok
[17:24] <Betacommand> some are tagged as not to delete
[17:24] <Jake_Wartenberg> can you exclude those in the query?
[17:25] <Betacommand> Jake_Wartenberg: I havent had time to fiddle with the query yet
[17:25] <Betacommand> {{nocommons}} is on some of them
[17:25] <Jake_Wartenberg> right
[17:26] <Betacommand> which does not add any categories
[17:26] * pentecostes ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:26] <Jake_Wartenberg> you can grab the list of pages that template is used on, though
[17:27] <Jake_Wartenberg> that template probably should add a cat if it would make this kind of thing easier
[17:27] * eptalon (n=robert@wikipedia/Eptalon) Quit ("leaving")
[17:27] <Jake_Wartenberg> should I edit it?
[17:28] * Melos (n=Melos@wikimedia/Melos) has joined #wikipedia
[17:28] <Betacommand> Jake_Wartenberg: Im thinking of TfDing it
[17:31] * Drule (n=Drule@ Quit ("Random Frasier quote: Fraaasieeeeeer! - Martin "Marty" Crane")
[17:32] * gurch (n=User@unaffiliated/gurch) Quit ("Leaving.")
[17:33] * Kaare is now known as KaareAway
[17:40] <tombom_>
[17:40] <tombom_> :(
[17:41] * Pokeyourheadoff ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:41] <AngryParsley> why is aetna so nice?
[17:41] * Tsenz (i=Tsenz@ has joined #wikipedia
[17:42] * Prodego (i=Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:43] <tombom_> no idea
[17:43] <SkEmO> cos he/she got laid maybe
[17:44] * Rdsmith4 (n=Rdsmith4@wikipedia/Rdsmith4) has joined #wikipedia
[17:45] <tombom_> thanks for your contribution
[17:46] * Unironfist ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:47] * err404 ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:47] * tombom_ (n=tombom@wikipedia/Tombomp) Quit ("Leaving")
[17:47] * bittwist is now known as Al_Gore
[17:51] * vev ( Quit ("Quitte")
[17:54] * Al_Gore is now known as Bob-Dole
[17:54] * NicholasT (n=nicholas@unaffiliated/nicholast) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:54] * Lindberg47 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:57] * Tsenz (i=Tsenz@ Quit ("Leaving...")
[17:58] * Neonexus (n=NeoNexus@ has joined #Wikipedia
[17:59] * Mike_H ( has joined #wikipedia
[17:59] <Neonexus> any experienced wikipedians about?
[17:59] * Platonides (n=Platonid@wikipedia/Platonides) Quit
[18:00] * Bob-Dole is now known as David_Addington
[18:00] <Betacommand> Neonexus: yes, whats up?
[18:00] <Yojojo> neonexus, depends on how experienced you want us. How can we help?
[18:01] * Jocke_Pirat (n=jaytheno@wikimedia/Jocke-Pirat) has left #wikipedia
[18:01] <Neonexus> how can i reference or cite local facts?
[18:02] * Jelco (n=Jelco@unaffiliated/jelco) Quit ("Laziness will prevail! In my dreams anyway...")
[18:02] <Betacommand> Neonexus: define local facts
[18:03] * David_Addington is now known as bittwist
[18:04] <Neonexus> if there is a local building and I want to talk about it, but no other information exists about that building
[18:05] * Ose (n=ose@wikia/Ose) Quit ("“Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window.” - Steve Wozniak")
[18:05] * Lindberg47 ( has joined #wikipedia
[18:06] <Dendodge> it's probably not notale, then
[18:06] <Dendodge> *notable
[18:06] <Neonexus> how do I prevent is getting "This article needs additional citations for verification." plastered all over it?
[18:06] <Neonexus> is = it
[18:07] <Dendodge> you have to find books, newspapers, or websites to prove the facts in the article
[18:08] <Neonexus> confusing
[18:09] <Neonexus> the whole idea for writing about it is to tell people about it so its not lost in time
[18:09] <Dendodge> run a Google search for the name of the building, and see what comes up
[18:13] <Neonexus> nothing
[18:17] <mavhc> no local paper? local documents?
[18:17] * christian16 ( has joined #wikipedia
[18:17] * rw ( Quit
[18:17] <christian16> hola
[18:17] <christian16> kien coño habla español
[18:17] <mavhc> just make up citations for a lot of local stuff that noone'll ever check
[18:18] * christian16 said frikipedia rules
[18:18] <PeterSymonds> christian16, hola, try #wikipedia-es
[18:18] * christian16 ( has left #wikipedia
[18:19] * bluefoxicy ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:20] <Neonexus> nope, just in local people heads
[18:20] <Neonexus> and they are getting old and dying off, losing the information
[18:20] <PeterSymonds> Neonexus, unfortunately then it won't be possible to make an article on it at the present time.
[18:21] <PeterSymonds> This is because the information can only come from non-published sources, which is original research.
[18:21] <PeterSymonds> See <> for more info.
[18:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +o dircbot
[18:22] * dircbot sets mode: -ob dircbot %*!*@
[18:25] * Chzz (n=ftevans@wikipedia/Chzz) Quit
[18:25] * Yojojo (n=Yojojo@unaffiliated/barkingfish) Quit ("Objectivum nil termine est, qui obesa cantavit")
[18:26] <mavhc> do the research, publish it on a website, then cite it
[18:26] * Vikx ( Quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.21 :: )")
[18:26] <Neonexus> be better setting up my own wiki then
[18:27] <PeterSymonds> Yeah, that's one option. It'd be good to have the info recorded somewhere. :)
[18:27] <PeterSymonds> Even if we can't provide it here.
[18:27] <Neonexus> I know thought the research could help the wikipedia project instead of page stubs
[18:31] <Neonexus> may I private message you peter?
[18:31] <PeterSymonds> Sure.
[18:35] * lucasbfr (n=lucasbfr@wikipedia/lucasbfr) Quit (No route to host)
[18:36] * KerliQ ( has joined #wikipedia
[18:36] <KerliQ> (o: Hellos :o)
[18:42] * Chzz (n=ftevans@wikipedia/Chzz) has joined #wikipedia
[18:42] * geniice (n=chatzill@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia
[18:42] <geniice> The National Secular Society said it was planning demonstrations against the visit in protest at what it called Pope Benedict's "intransigence and fundamentalism".
[18:42] <geniice> he's the pope. That's pretty much his job description
[18:43] * Prodego (i=Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia
[18:44] <mavhc> well, last pope was better
[18:44] * Drule (n=Drule@ has joined #wikipedia
[18:46] <geniice> not really
[18:46] <KerliQ> looks like OlEnglish is going to get Administrator
[18:47] * Reedy (n=Reedy@wikimedia/ Quit ("Leaving")
[18:48] <mavhc> he did say evolution was real
[18:49] <geniice> so has the current one
[18:53] * Olipro (n=Olipro@uncyclopedia/ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
[18:53] * Olipro (n=Olipro@uncyclopedia/ has joined #wikipedia
[18:56] * Cyrius ( has joined #wikipedia
[18:57] <denelson83> Amber Alert in south Texas
[18:57] <Cyrius> so?
[19:00] * edubruell ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:01] * Keegan_ (n=chatzill@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:01] <denelson83> You're not in south Texas
[19:02] * Peter17 (n=peter@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:03] -> *cary* btw are you gonna get married in canada :P
[19:04] <denelson83> You're in Beaumont
[19:05] <denelson83> near Houston
[19:05] * PeterSymonds (n=Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit ("Leaving")
[19:06] * Gracenotes (n=person@wikipedia/Gracenotes) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:07] <kmccoy> omgouting
[19:09] * Melos (n=Melos@wikimedia/Melos) Quit ("...")
[19:10] * VierFuen1Zwei ( has joined #wikipedia
[19:12] * MindstormsKid (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia
[19:21] * Suiseiseki (n=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:21] * Suiseiseki (n=desudesu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #wikipedia
[19:22] * VierFuenfZwei ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:23] <Lindberg47> "I have understanding for mistakes happend." How can I say that in a better way?
[19:24] * Sheltem (i=niemand@unaffiliated/sheltem) Quit ("It was once said that a black man would be president "when pigs fly" indeed 100 days into Obama's presidency....Swine flu")
[19:27] * rainman-sr ( Quit ("Leaving")
[19:28] * PeterDarkness ( Quit ("...Then he started throwing sea creatures.")
[19:28] <Lindberg47> can you say this: "I understand that mistakes happen. But it is always troubeling to recieve the wrong product."?
[19:29] <denelson83> Well thank you very much Mr. Gigo
[19:29] <Lindberg47> is that correct English?
[19:31] * Lady_Aleena (n=Lady_Ale@Wikipedia/Lady-Aleena) Quit ("So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good bye!")
[19:31] * Neonexus (n=NeoNexus@ has left #Wikipedia
[19:31] * MindstormsKid (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:32] * MindstormsKid (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia
[19:32] * Alkivar (i=Alkivar@wikipedia/Alkivar) Quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:35] * Sir48 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:35] * KerliQ ( has left #wikipedia ("...and I'll keep walking when skies are grey, whatever happens was meant that way...")
[19:36] * Alkivar (i=Alkivar@ has joined #wikipedia
[19:38] * Matthewedwards (n=chatzill@wikipedia/Matthewedwards) has joined #wikipedia
[19:40] * geniice (n=chatzill@wikipedia/geniice) Quit ("Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1.17/2009060506]")
[19:41] * Sir48 ( has joined #wikipedia
[19:41] <Chzz> Lindberg47 Two spelling errors;  "troubling" and "receive"
[19:42] <Lindberg47> yes i saw that, but otherwise?
[19:43] * quanticle (n=quanticl@wikipedia/Quanticle) has joined #wikipedia
[19:48] * Interstate_39 (n=onsons@wikimedia/Master-son) has joined #wikipedia
[19:51] * VierFuen1Zwei is now known as VierFuenfZwei
[19:53] * MindstormsKid (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:53] * MindstormsKid_ (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia
[19:53] * MindstormsKid_ is now known as MindstormsKid
[19:54] * Interstate_39 is now known as mson|food
[19:54] * mson|food is now known as Interstate_39
[19:54] * Dendodge (n=Dendodge@Wikipedia/Dendodge) Quit ("So long, and thanks for all the fish!")
[19:57] <BrewJay> mavhc: Regarding publishing your own research on a website, then citing it on wikipedia, that is under "Avoid Self-Reference". It is okay to write it up on a website, though.
[19:59] <BrewJay> Lindberg47: I.h.u.f.m.h I tolerate mistakes.
[20:03] <Alkivar> holy fuck... as if the bugatti veyron wasnt expensive enough... Mansory has gone and made one entirely out of carbon fiber
[20:03] <BrewJay> After you do research and write it up neatly, then a local paper might edit it, publish it, get feedback, find you notable events in building that you did not know about.
[20:03] * Mm40 (n=chatzill@Wikipedia/Mm40) has joined #wikipedia
[20:04] <mavhc> find a friend to write the wp article then
[20:04] * turn-omg ( Quit ("Leaving...")
[20:04] * kmccoy_ ( has joined #wikipedia
[20:05] * Gigs ( has joined #wikipedia
[20:06] <Sky2042_afk> mavhc: You may wish to view
[20:07] * j (n=j@wikipedia/j) has joined #wikipedia
[20:08] * Gigs ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:09] * Mparu (i=570a80d1@gateway/web/freenode/x-tbdwivtzxjsfttby) has joined #wikipedia
[20:09] * Mard|SWMT (n=Mardetan@wikipedia/Mardetanha) Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:09] <Mparu> Is there any icelandic speaker?
[20:10] * err404 ( has left #wikipedia
[20:11] <Mparu> Nobody?
[20:13] <Mparu> Is there any speaker of one of theese languages: Bulgarian, Greek, Albanian, Czech, Slovak, Irish, Welsh.
[20:14] * Mm40 (n=chatzill@Wikipedia/Mm40) Quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.3/20090824101458]")
[20:16] <BrewJay> Vejetarians eat only vejtablz. Is Jeffrey Dahmer a humanitarian?
[20:17] <Cyrius> no, because he's dead
[20:19] * kmccoy (n=a@wikimedia/kmccoy) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:26] * PeterDarkness ( has joined #wikipedia
[20:28] <Lindberg47> BrewJay: I.h.u.f.m.h ?
[20:31] <BrewJay> "I have understanding for mistakes happened." I tolerate mistakes.
[20:34] * Themfromspace ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:36] <BrewJay> The cops who did not check into Dahmer's probation status at the time of a kidnapping were promoted.
[20:41] * mazer_ ( Quit
[20:41] * kmccoy_ is now known as kmccoy
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 20:48:35 2009

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 20:48:35 2009
Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[20:48] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Sep 23 21:01:18 2009

Session Start: Wed Sep 23 22:26:30 2009
Session Ident: #Wikipedia
[22:26] * Now talking in #Wikipedia
[22:26] * Topic is 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Status: Up | No public logging | Guidelines: | For channel operator assistance, join #wikimedia-ops or, in emergencies, type !op followed by your request'
[22:27] * Cream (n=cream@unaffiliated/cream) Quit ("Colloquy for iPhone -")
[22:27] <gwern> Cyrius: that was great as well
[22:28] <gwern> I also like the Defenestrations of Prague
[22:28] <KerliQ> brb, I have to restart my browser, new add-on :P
[22:28] <Cyrius> I was betting on you having made that one up
[22:29] <gwern> you should know I never lie! except when I do
[22:29] <Cyrius> so all your stories are true?
[22:29] * KerliQ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:29] <gwern> Cyrius: sure. except the one about the noodle incident
[22:29] <Cyrius> even the lies?
[22:30] <gwern> all lies. no trutheller I, bah, I derive my truthtelling abilities! I cannot handle the truth!
[22:30] <gwern> *deride
[22:32] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:32] <quanticle> There was more than one Defenstration of Prague? I only know about the one that started the 30 years war.
[22:32] * jdelanoy (n=jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia
[22:33] <Chzz> quanticle
[22:34] * Chzz (n=ftevans@wikipedia/Chzz) Quit
[22:35] <quanticle> "Philip Fabricius was later ennobled by the emperor and granted the title von Hohenfall (lit. meaning "of Highfall")." <-- I think the Holy Roman Emperor was having a royal joke with that one.
[22:35] <gwern> quanticle: no doubt the courtiers collectively wet themselves in joy at never lacking for jokes when Fabricius was around
[22:37] * KerliQ ( has joined #wikipedia
[22:37] * Olipro_ is now known as Olipro
[22:37] <KerliQ> I'm back
[22:37] <KerliQ> that add-on is fantastic!
[22:37] <gwern> I've never understood peoples' fascination with URL shortening
[22:38] <KerliQ> you just go to the page, click the button and automatically creates it and copies it to your clipboard
[22:38] * Ceiling_Cat ( has joined #wikipedia
[22:40] <Ceiling_Cat> [[List of works by Thomas Eakins]] <--- 114 pages and counting
[22:40] <Ceiling_Cat> in a year, that is going to be the longest article on Wikipedia
[22:41] * VierFuenfZwei ( has joined #wikipedia
[22:42] <OverlordQ> tldr
[22:42] <Ceiling_Cat> OverlordQ - clicky the link. It's mostly pixxx
[22:42] <Ceiling_Cat> including some nekkid ppl
[22:43] <OverlordQ> too took long to load for such a low nudie pic ratio
[22:43] <OverlordQ> *took too
[22:43] <gwern> huh. with some reasonable assumptions, it would take approximately 50 hours to consume the majority of _Oh My Goddess!_
[22:43] <gwern> that's more than a working week
[22:43] <KerliQ> so you don't shorten URLs?
[22:44] <Ceiling_Cat> (on snap, it's a 4 meg download to get that page)
[22:44] <Ceiling_Cat> KerliQ - no, Wikipedia uses only canonical URLs
[22:44] <gwern> KerliQ: no. why would I?
[22:45] <KerliQ> In URL, ? = %3F%0A      + = %2B%0A%0A
[22:46] <KerliQ> and what if you want to link,_Mutant,_Alien,_Flesh_Eating,_Hellbound,_Zombified_Living_Dead_Part_2:_In_Shocking_2-D
[22:46] <Ceiling_Cat> worked for me
[22:46] <Ceiling_Cat> if you don't like long URLs, don't go to articles with long titles
[22:47] <Ceiling_Cat> or use copy-paste :)
[22:47] * ChanServ sets mode: +o dircbot
[22:47] * dircbot sets mode: -ob dircbot *!*
[22:47] <KerliQ> Instead of that long post I could have just clicked the button and then I have
[22:47] <gwern> KerliQ: I would use the long URL because that's part of the humor of that link
[22:47] <Ceiling_Cat> KerliQ - and what happpens with ceases to exist?
[22:47] <Ceiling_Cat> all your shortened URL links break
[22:47] <Ceiling_Cat> you have introduced a new point of failure
[22:48] <Cyrius> well
[22:48] <Cyrius> long-term availability isn't that big an issue on IRC
[22:48] * engla (n=ulrik@wikipedia/Sverdrup) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:48] <KerliQ> won't
[22:49] <KerliQ> and what about part 3?,_Mutant,_Hellbound,_Flesh-Eating_Subhumanoid_Zombified_Living_Dead,_Part_3
[22:49] <gwern> 0.99 * 0.99 < 0.99...
[22:49] <gwern> KerliQ: or you could link a redirect
[22:49] <gwern> nearly as reliable as direct linking
[22:49] <gwern> more informative
[22:50] <gwern> not dependent on mayflies
[22:50] <Gracenotes> gwern: formal proof nao :o
[22:50] <gwern> Gracenotes: I WILL OFFER YOU A CONSTRUCTIVE PROOF! come with me to #haskell!
[22:50] <KerliQ>
[22:50] <Gracenotes> :O
[22:51] <Gracenotes> I think it could be done with the basic rules of real arithmetic. maybe transitivity, too
[22:51] * Willking1979 is now known as Willking|Sleep
[22:51] <gwern> Gracenotes: screw your existence proofs, I demand constructions!
[22:52] <Gracenotes> I shall prove that they are equivalent
[22:52] <gwern> using - SCIENCE! ?
[22:53] <Gracenotes> proof by threat of nuclear holocaust
[22:53] <gwern> ah, argumentum ad verecundiam. excellent choice sir
[22:55] <Gracenotes> reductio ad mad
[22:56] * CorpX (n=tommy@unaffiliated/corpx) Quit (No route to host)
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Session Close: Wed Sep 23 23:01:21 2009

Above: A podcast on how badly screwed the United Kingdom is from a political/Big Tech perspective. Trashfuture overlaps with other podcasts Well There's Your Problem and Kill James Bond! thanks to co-host November (formerly Alice) Caldwell-Kelly.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Update on 5505 Lindo Paseo

When last week's post was linked to the SDSU subreddit, one of the commenters pointed us to this website, which mentions no street address or ZIP code (just "San Diego, California"). Champion Real Estate of Santa Monica, which owns the site, is giving the SDSU student body a six story apartment with 26 units, into which they would love to cram  a maximum of 226 beds.

"Victory" will not have an underground parking garage; the space I photographed is actually the rough beginnings of a basement lounge area. As you can see from Project Management Associates' extremely basic rendering*, the front of the building is being moved from Lindo Paseo to 55th Street. The building is probably L-shaped, with a pool somewhere behind the building. The whole thing is supposed to go up before August of 2025. There are real doubts if this building will ever be fully used for very long, seeing as how the forthcoming drop in students will begin in 2028 if Dan Shaulis' projections are true.

* Or is this the work of Studio E Architects, the San Diego firm that designed the building in the first place?

Friday, May 31, 2024

What happened to 5505 Lindo Paseo?

If the reader remembers our article last August, the three story fratbouse at 5505 Lindo Paseo was left abandoned. In the standard practice for SDSU, the eyesore has since been vaporized and the Kappa-Sigma chapter driven under.

Above: taken from the Kappa-Sigma national website's Chapter Listing page. It was never a gigantic frat.

Below: A view from the street. The frathouse and it's underground garage have been utterly demolished. A comparison shot from late July of 2023 is below that.

Below:  What is actually behind the fence, the beginnings of a possible underground parking structure. It is impossible to find just what sort of building is going up on the site; the constructor has no mention of it on their website, and the University is mum.

As you can see, what they have built is pretty basic. It is not clear if this is a subbasement with the garage on the ground floor, or if they are abandoning having cars on the site entirely. They have had about eight months to get something done and this is all they have accomplished.

Above: As the reader can tell, I had to stick the camera over the fence. You can see more of the structure in the pit that is a possible enclosed stairwell.

Below: Who the constructor is. I was there on a workweek and nothing was going on, a sign that this project is underfunded or has reached a bottleneck or that something else undesirable is happening in back rooms.


I will continue looking at this property, but I don't have a good feeling that this will be completed this year. Possibly the meltdown Dahn Shaulis predicted from lack of students (because the student cohort from the economic crisis years of 2007 to 2009 is much smaller) is happening just that much faster, and that is effecting everything. Time will tell.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Wikimedia-ops IRC, this day in 2011

 "What was going on with Wikimedia-ops on this day in 2011?" The answer below.

Session Start: Mon May 09 14:47:08 201112[18:11] -eir:#wikimedia-ops- (9REM) ban [25828] *!*@ was set on #wikipedia-en by killiondude!~yes@wikimedia/Killiondude on 2011-05-08 22:00:29 and had an expiry date of 2011-05-09 22:00:29. It was removed by eir!~eir@freenode/utility-bot/eir on Mon May 9 22:11:00 2011
[18:11] -eir:#wikimedia-ops- (9REM) ban [25829] 
*!* was set on #wikipedia-en by killiondude!~yes@wikimedia/Killiondude on 2011-05-08 22:01:34 and had an expiry date of 2011-05-09 22:01:34. It was removed by eir!~eir@freenode/utility-bot/eir on Mon May 9 22:11:00 2011
[18:11] * evolute (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/evolute) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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[18:24] Clones detected from wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be:8 Justin_Bieber The_Thing
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[18:25] * Kaare (Kaare@wikipedia/pdpc.professional.kaare) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[18:28] * FAdmArcher|HW (~StarFleet@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) Quit (Quit: need to reinstall chatzilla)
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[18:57] * Kaare (Kaare@wikipedia/pdpc.professional.kaare) has joined #wikimedia-ops
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[18:59] * Reedy (~Reedy@wikimedia/ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[20:53] <AntiSpamMeta> [#wikipedia-en] - RebeccaBlack wants op attention (Meepsheep) Cbrown1023, RichiH, Jamesofur, DanielB, Prodego, theoneandonly, marienz, Rudha-an, Jake_Wartenberg, ST47, SpitfireWP, KB1JWQ, dave2, Werdan7, seanw, NotASpy, Tawker, wimt, Cobi, Thehelpfulone, jeremyb, |X|, agkwiki, JohnReaves, Barras, Mike42, Not_the_NSA, Luna-Santin, KFP, smoddy, pctony, Rjd0060, SeJo, Maximillion, DeltaQuad, mrmist, PeterSymonds,
[20:53] <AntiSpamMeta> Ryanposs, stwalkerster, Golbez, and shimgray
[20:54] * RebeccaBlack is now known as Logan_
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[22:34] * DeltaQuad is now known as [DQ|sleep]
Session Close: Mon May 09 22:42:50 2011

Monday, March 11, 2024

Quasi-Wikipedia: Larry Sanger's Twitter/X Account

I used to think that Larry Sanger was the more rational than Jimbo Wales, but then I got to read day after day of Sanger's Twitter account (@lsanger) and that view faded into nothingness. Let us see why.

Thanks to Elon Musk, Twitter (I'm not calling it X; the only "X" I respect has Exene Cervenka and Billy Zoom in it) has become ragingly antisemitic, and Sanger is getting closer and closer to falling into the bottomless hole of Jew-hating idiocy.

And here is more of it, he doesn't think that antisemitism is a growing problem even though it grew like wildfire online during the Obama and Trump years. The growth of the Nazi/crypto-Nazi milieu definitely emerged as a response to the market implosion of 2007-08 and the Bush-Obama unwillingness to find anybody on Wall Street culpable.

Larry Sanger is still a hard-core Libertarian, and he really like Javier Milei, President of Argentina, who if you didn't know is a screaming firebrand of Libertarian policies and ideas (he wants to peg Argentina's currency to the US dollar to revive the Argentine economy, demolish social agencies in Argentina, etc.) This picture of him is a meme that came from the NBC sitcom Parks and Rec, and yes, Milei's head is 'shopped in. 

As we said, Sanger is a Libertarian, so he hates the Federal Reserve. In fact he hates the Fed so badly, he made a poll about it, and his followers agree with him.

Did I mention that he's now a vaccine-denier? Well he is.

The Protestant Christian conception of God is a huge deal with Sanger, and I did not know how truly religious he was until I read his Twitter account. In fact, you could argue that the hard-core Protestantism is co-morbid with the Libertarianism and the anti-vaccine views, and that this is extremely common within European-descended people in the United States.

I find this one funny because he's battling "Satanists" in his responses but he's also using James Randi's term "woo" (derived from Randi doing The Twilight Zone theme on stage once with his mouth and saying "woo" instead of humming), which is now an atheist thing. I've noticed that a lot of Wikipedians seem to use the term for anything paranormal they don't like, it probably stuck in Larry's brain. Notice that this is a re-post of a 2020 tweet. 

Yes, he will re-tweet known far-Right figures like Chaya Raichik (the person behind the Libs of TikTok account). So that makes him a supporter of the sort of stochastic terrorism she creates whenever she finds something and re-posts it (bomb threats, death threats, partial responsibility for the death of Nex Benedict).


I'm sure I could dig in deeper, to find out when Larry Sanger started going further and further online-Right. I'm guessing that (like with many conservative figures) that the Obama years deeply unsettled him after the collapse of the Bush II administration into handwringing over the market implosion and the failure of the Iraq and Afghan wars to end victoriously. It's a sad story, one replicated in many households across America. Based on his time at Wikipedia and attempts to get better online encyclopedias off the ground, you would not think this is the sort of person Larry Sanger is, but what you have seen is only a fraction of his Twitter output.